HCOC, Heather Chimhoga Orphan Care, is committed to improving the welfare of orphans and vulnerable children.  Programs were arranged during the year to improve the welfare and food security of the children.  A group of orphans were taken to a two week workshop near Harare.  The children were instructed by Foundations for Farming personnel.  Practical lessons were drawn from the Bible on conservation agriculture.

The overall theme of the training was ‘I Was HUNGRY’ based on the book of Matthew chapter 25:35.  The workshop also highlighted helping those in need whenever we work and produce fruits from our hands.  The children were taught to live a selfless life and be considerate of others especially other children who are in need of support.

The plots of ground that the children worked on were about 50 feet by 126 feet.  If the procedure is followed correctly, the plot will raise approximately a ton of maize in a season. This may be more than they need to survive for one year.  The excess may be sold for cash.